Mercari Bot – 1 Month Subscription

MercariBOT, get 1 month subscription, no other payments involved

Key features of current version:

  1. Automated listing import from mercari
  2. Automated listing import from Poshmark
  3. Automated posting/Re-posting of listings based on predefined relisting delay (Auto Pilot)
  4. Automated listing deletion of last posted after re-posting (if required by user)
  5. Automated deactivation of listing from re-posting after a listing sells on mercari (if required by user)
  6. Automated bulk listing deletion
  7. Deactivation of Sold Listing from reposting and Deletion of all listings belonging to it posted by mercariBot on a single click (if sold on other platforms)

Whats Comming next:

  1. Smart Pricing

(All updates will be given free of cost to existing users when released)

Features Explained:

Automated listing import from mercari

This feature will fetch all your existing mercari listings, and save in mercaribot database, so you don’t need to populate existing listings again, all images of existing listings will also be fetched. Do not change the location of mercaribot once started, otherwise it will effect pictures location and will not work properly.

Automated listing import from Poshmark

This feature will fetch all your poshmark listings, and save in mercaribot database, so you don’t need to enter details manually, all images and other details will be automatically fetched and best possible product categories will be assigned.

Automated posting/Re-posting of listings based on predefined relisting delay (Auto Pilot)

Using this feature the app will automatically post/repost your listings based on defined value of Relisting Wait (mins) on your mercari account(all listing in database will be reposted, the one extracted from mercari site or the one uploaded manually on mercaribot).

Our recommended value of relisting Wait is 1440 mins, you may keep it according to your requirements but not too small.

Let’s say you have defined Relisiting Wait to be 1440 mins

  1. mercariBot will scan the database at regular intervals for listings to be posted/reposted
  2. It will automatically take up the listings for posting that have either just been imported, entered manually or their Next Posting DateTime (available against each listing in database view in Column 6) has reached
  3. It will start posting the listings one after the other with 2 mins delay in between until all listings that have been taken up during the scan have been posted
  4. When a listing is posted its Next Posting DateTime is calculated and database Column 6 is update with it, for example with Relisiting Wait to be 1440 mins, a listing posts at 6:30 PM 4/14/2019, it’s Next Posting DateTime will be 6:30 PM 4/14/2019 + 1440 mins = 6:30 PM 4/15/2019
  5. After completion of posting of all listing taken up during the scan, mercariBot will scan the database once again for listing pending to be posted(either newly inserted in the database or whose Next Relisting DateTime has approached)
  6. Scanning process will continue.

Automated listing deletion of last posted before re-posting (if required by user)

This feature can be used with Auto Pilot by checking the Delete Before Relisting checkbox available on mercariBot’s Control Panel

When Delete Before Relisting is checked, last posted listing of each database item is deleted before it is reposted on the market place by the Auto Pilot. We only check and delete the last posted listing, in future we aim to check all listings and then delete all matching with criteria.

Lets say you have 6 listings with same title and mercaribot tries to post same listing once again so it will delete the last post listing and upload again.

Automated deactivation of listing from re-posting after a listing sells on mercari (if required by user)

Currently mercariBot keeps track of only last posted listing of each listing database entry. Users who sell single items not only want to deactivate listings of sold item from reposting but also delete other active listings of that item from mercari marketplace. When listing of a product sells on mercari, this feature will automatically do that by not only deactivating the sold listing’s database entry but also deleting it’s remaining active listings from mercari marketplace that were posted/reposted by mercariBot.

Automated bulk listing deletion

Want to delete all or some of your mercari listings, we will provide a separate tab on mercariBot which will fetch your listings and delete them automatically based on the number of latest posted listings you want to keep, no more manual deletion will be required.

Deactivation of Sold Listing from reposting and Deletion of all listings belonging to it posted by mercariBot on a single click (if sold on other platforms)

Currently mercariBot keeps track of only last posted listing of each listing database entry. If a product sells on other platforms that users sell on, Users who sell single items not only want to deactivate its listings from reposting but also delete other active listings of that item from mercari marketplace. This feature can be accessed under database view tab and will allow users to deactivate the sold listing’s database entry and also deleting it’s remaining active listings from mercari marketplace that were posted/reposted by mercariBot on click of a button. Select any row of the database entry of that item and click “Delete Active & Disable” button.

Upcoming Features:

Smart Pricing

With this feature users will be able to set a price percentage to go below defined price in database, upon relisting the bot will set the smart pricing on mercari on and set the minimum price to

Price – (define percentage of price), if price of item in database is 40 and price percentage has been set to 10%, minimum price will be set to 40 – 10% of 40 = 40 – (40×10/100) = 36.

MercariBot Fields

Mercari Account Credential Tab

Email ( Your login email

Password ( Your login password

Relisting Wait (mins): Time interval in minutes after which a listing will be re-posted on your mercari account by the bot

Control Panel Tab

License Key: Key you will receive via email upon purchase

Delete Last Posted Following Relisting: If checked, the bot will delete previously posted listing on an entry when it reposts it

When Sold Disable Relisting & Delete All Active: If check the listing entries listings posted by mercariBot will be taken down, it will be deactivated in the database and won’t repost (the listing can be activated again by double clicking on it in the database)

Select Time of Day for Relisting: You can specify the time of day during which you want to bot to relist when on auto pilot

Select Account: Dropdown menu to select the mercari account to perform automated actions on

Start Auto Pilot: The button will start and stop auto pilot that perform following functions

  1. Scans listings database for listings that are to be posted re-posted based on next posting datetime field that is calculated based on relisting wait
  2. Posting / re-posting of listing
  3. Extraction of sold listing (if check boxes of delete before relisting and disable relisting when sold are checked)
  4. Deletion of last posted listing of an entry after reposting it (if checkbox of delete before relisting is checked)

Listing Data Insertion Tab

Select Account: Dropdown menu to select the mercari account to perform automated actions on

Category: Dropdown menu to select category

Pictures: Specify picture folder path using browse button (every listing will have a seperate folder for pictures each having upto 8 images)

Title: Listing title

Brand: Dropdown menu to select brand

Description: Listing description

Size: Dropdown menu to select size of listing if applicable

Condition: Dropdown menu to select listing condition

Price: Specify price of listing (a whole number like 10,20,39,190 etc)

Shipping Fee: Dropdown menu to select shipping type

Shipping Payer: Dropdown menu to select if shipping is paid by the seller or buyer

Zip: Your zip code

Tags: Specify up to 3 tags without spaces and separated by a comma (for example tempered,glass,iPhone)

SKU (Optional): For your own reference to facilitate easy search in the database

Import Your Listings Tab

Select Account: Dropdown menu to select the mercari account to perform automated actions on

Zip Code: Specify zip code to be used when imported listing are insert in the database

Import Existing Listings: Button to start stop listing import process

Database View Tab

Table 1: Shows your account info (sensitive info is encrypted)

Edit Credentials: Button that will allow you to edit your credential (password, relisting wait, proxy)

Delete Credential: Button that will delete credential from the database in case you want to use a new account with the bot (you will also need to email in order to switch mercari account against your for security purposes, will will enable within an hour)

Table 2: Shows your listings that you have enter in the database or imported from your account

SKU Search: In case you are use SKU field, it will facilitate searching for a specific entry through the database for editing, deactivation etc

Edit Listing: Button to edit listing data

Delete Listing: Button to delete select listing/ listings from database (you can select multiple by pressing ctrl button and clicking on the listing in table 2)

Delete Active & Disable: Delete Active listings, posted by mercariBot, of highlighted listings from second table and disable those from reposting (can be used to take down item from mercari if it sells on another platform)

Post Listing: In case you don’t want to use auto pilot, you can post a listing by selecting it and clicking this button (delete before relisting check box settings on control panel tab also apply with this)


Window Running Operating System, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10

Your computer must have 4.5.1 or above .net framework

You can download from below link